Friday, April 14, 2006

John comes to visit

Scott has a friend named John, that he met through work. John came out Wednesday night and stayed over so they could fish all day (while I was at work! hmpf!). They had some interesting catches as you'll see below.

I felt bad about this one :(

High Temperature: 83° F
Low Temperature: 62° F
Precipitation: 0.00 in


Cathy said...

Awww.. I have caught many turtles out here. They seem to like the same bait as catfish.

Sadly, we have a neighbor that decapitates the turtles he catches to save his hooks. :(

Scott said...

Oh that is just terrible Cathy! Scott threw this one back. He really tries NOT to catch them, but there are so many of them, it's hard not to.

Anonymous said...

awww poor turtle.