Saturday, July 15, 2006


What a week it's been after our move to the new firm!

I've spent all week trying to get my bosses organized in the new office, get training on the software the firm uses, go over HR issues, and the while trying to get out my regular amount of work - more really, because we used to use the word processing department pretty extensively and we're just learning how to use the new firm's WP department, which is in Atlanta.

I must have been doing okay on my vacation and sick leave accruals, because my check from the old firm was quite a bit more than I expected. The flex card is still the biggest wild card, but I haven't heard anything on it. The card folks may deal with me directly on that.

We got the golf cart, which my knees truly appreciate. It's been so hot that I've only been through the neighborhood a couple of times, but that's still a couple of times more than I would have been able to do without it. Scott's been teaching Shannon to drive on it....rules of the road kind of thing, and how to make turns, etc., just like if she was in a car.

We got the beach plowed this week too. It looks great and I'll have to get some pictures of it after it cools off and post them. My garden is looking really bad because it's just too freaking hot to weed, and some nights, I can't even stand the thought of going out and watering. It's been over 100 this week, and is still 98 right now, at 7:30 at night.

Anyhow...that's it for now!

1 comment:

Citizen_Stu said...

Glade to hear you are settling into your new office alright.