Sunday, August 13, 2006

It's been awhile...

And for that, I'm sorry.

July ended up being a very busy month for us, and hasn't let up yet in August.

We had Scott's daughter from July 7th until July 31st. She's such a great kid that it was absolutely wonderful having her here, and the smoothness with which she normally fits in on the weekend, continued through the month. I think she had a great time - at least she said she did.

There were several barbeques through July which, while fun, do get a little draining, if only for the reason that we need a kitchen down on the deck. That's in our plans to do, eventually.

Since the move to the new law firm, we're busier than ever - and we were already busy before. I go home every night just totally drained, and yet I'm falling further and further behind at work. We're supposed to get a couple of more support staff, and that will ease the load a bit. I sure hope so, anyway!

August has just runaway with us. We've both been working hard and are stressed. In addition, we had to have someone come in and do some repair work on the dock, and then Scott put a lot of work into it. As of this writing, he hasn't finished yet because he got interrupted by a huge water leak this morning. He spent literally all day digging out my gardens, four feet down, and then discovered that the leak was on the back side of the house. Water was pouring out the front though, so it was a legitimate belief when he started digging from the front. Turns out we have a copper pipe that got corroded and split. He's repaired the leak to a managable level, but the pipe has to be replaced, which we can't do until Tuesday.

I've been pretty stressed all day, wondering if and when we'd have to call in a plumber - isn't it double time on Sundays? *gulp*

I know I've promised to put pictures up, and I have some, but still need to take more and then crop them all down...and I just don't have the energy.

Things will get back on track soon, and then I can start keeping this blog more current! :)


Citizen_Stu said...

Welcome back :D

Scott said...

Thanks Stu :)

LittleOrangeFox said...

I have an off topic question for you but I can't find your email! Did you some how get me on a blogshare web site? =P I have no idea I was even there I just recencly claimed my blog as I saw I was gettin tons of refferals from a site I had never heard of =) you can email me if you want or I will visit again As I will blog roll you tonight =)